MassMEP supports several intensive training programs for organizations that train employees in a variety of manufacturing-based careers. Tooling U-SME is our online course offering. We advance the next generation by supporting your organizational effectiveness with an expert team of skilled employees through employee development.


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IMC has partnered with Tooling U-SME, an online training provider, to bring high-quality, customized, online training to Central PA manufacturers. The almost 600 unique online classes provide a broad offering of manufacturing training topics. Every online class has been reviewed and validated by industry experts.

The Manufacturers’ Association of South Central Pennsylvania (MASCPA)

The Manufacturers Association has partnered with Tooling U-SME, an online training provider, to provide virtual training for manufacturers! These online classes offer manufacturing training topics that provides the knowledge and skills needed to create a forward-thinking, safe, and efficient organization.

Rochester Technology & Manufacturing Association (RTMA)

The RTMA has partnered with Tooling U-SME to become the leading service provider for the Finger Lakes region. Tooling University is the nation’s number one manufacturing-specific online training service. It offers real-world, practical, and technical education with more than 500 unique online classes targeted to engineers, machinists, press operators, assemblers, and industrial maintenance professionals.